Production Machines, Devices and Consumables for Electronics SMD Assembly and Soldering, and everything you need for Electronic production and quality control. Machines used in production, soldering irons, test and measurement devices. In addition, consumables, solder paste, conformal coating materials, etc.

From soldering materials to production machines, from quality control devices to components... Everything you are looking for in electronics production!

The basic process of electronic production is soldering. All soldering materails can be found from flux to solder paste to solder bar and etc.

Pick & place machines, reflow ovens, screen printers, conformal coating machines, conveyors and more. All machines needed in production.

X-Ray inspection, automatic solder paste & optical inspection machines, BGA rework stations, repair and rework stations and soldering irons.

Soldering materials, all consumables used for ESD control, under-screen rolls, electronic production consumables and many more.

Small and medium size LCD panels/modules, TFT modules and touch panels, antennas, memory cards, active/passive & connectors.

Sensor, RF & microwave, power, connector & cable system solutions frequently used in the defense industry.
Things one could buy via AssemCorp
Solder Paste - Solder Bar - Flux - Solder Wire - Surface Mount Machines - Screen Printer - Reflow Ovens - Wave Soldering Machines - Thermal Profiling - Selective Soldering Equipment - Board Handling - PCB Loaders & Unloaders - Linking Conveyors - Buffers - Laser Markers - Labelling - Conformal Coating Machines - Conformal Coating Chemicals - Through Hole - PCB Depaneling - Dispensing - Micro Electronics - Stencil Cleaning - Stencil and PCB Cleaning - AOI - SPI - X-Ray Inspection - Stereo Microscopes - Digital Microscopes - Force Gauge - ESD Protection Products - Stencil Cleaning Chemicals - Understencil Cleaning Rolls - Preforming Components - Component Counter - Soldering Irons - Rework Stations - BGA Rework Systems - Ionisers - Dry Cabinets - Fume Extraction and Purification

Assemcorp Electronics provides a comprehensive suite of certifications, registrations and compliance in accordance with the relevant quality standards, regulatory requirements, industrial and environmental compliance of the markets and geographies we serve.

Technical Service before Sales
This is one of the main principle we are proud to follow. We inform our customers for the product details and application techniques before they investment.
We transfer them the knowledge they need and help them to select best machine and supplies for their application.

Stock Sales
We keep a large stock of solders products, small and medium size wave soldering machines, component cutting and forming machines, manual SMD placement machines, curing ovens, soldering irons and ESD protection materials.
By any means necessary they are available in our warehouse. Sometimes our customers prefer to import goods directly themselves. In this case, there are no differences in the quality of our services and after sales support at all.
Türkiye'de şu ana kadar satmış olduğumuz birçok makinenin yedek parçalarını stoklarımızda hazır tutmaktayız. Bu, meydana gelebilecek arızalar karşısında hızlı müdahale imkânı sağlar, makine alan müşterilerimizin yedek parçaya yatırım yaparak ekstra harcama yapmalarına gerek bırakmaz.

Service Contracts
Service Agreements covers the time to intervention, local + global telephone support, spare parts, periodic maintenance, machine functional and durability test reports and more. All you have to is to determine your contract level. With yearly contracts 24/7 telephone support, hardware and software upgrades are available.
Routine periodic preventive maintenance obviously covers periodic maintenance, calibrations and adjustments.
The machines are certified after maintenance job is done. Rutine periodic preventive maintenance programme ensures production quality, output and reliability.

Trainings and Seminars
We organise academic seminars to the Turkish Electronic Industry every one or two years to follow the latest trends in the technology. Majority of Turkish Electronic Engineers have attended our seminars and received their certificates in return.
We have presented training services to the engineers and technicians for soldering, screen printing, placement, reflow/curing and inspection techniques, both in house and in the production lines. Beko, Vestel, Profilo Telra, Atmaca, Arcelik, Deka, Basari and Neta are some of the companies who bought training services from us.
Our aim is to be a partner of our customers and pass them the necessary information, technological developments and services at the right time by fastest and most productive way.
Visit us at our offices
Please visit us at our head office located in Ümraniye, Istanbul, as well as our office in our capital Çankaya, Ankara.
Ümraniye - İstanbul
34775 Y.Dudullu
Phone : +90 (216) 939 26 00
E-Mail : assemcorp@assemcorp.com
Çankaya - Ankara
06510 Çukurambar
Phone : +90 (216) 939 26 00
E-Mail : assemcorp@assemcorp.com
From solder bar & paste to flux, chemicals used in electronic production, electronic production machines, quality control devices; From components to defense industry solutions... Contact us now to get a quote.

Product Of The Month
Contact Probes
Spring contact probes are used to test printed circuit boards, wire harnesses, connectors and other electronic components. Moreover, they can be used in interfaces and as easily removable electrical connections.
FEINMETALL offers a wide range of contact probe varieties and makes it possible to have the optimal fit for each specific contact-making task. Our proximity to the market and customers, as well as our many years of experience in constructing and producing spring contact probes, form a strong basis for functional, innovative and economical products. Our product development follows our customer´s needs for increasingly finer structures, higher currents, improved contact resistance or higher frequency limits.